As Australian business owners, we are very conscious that everyone’s primary motivation should be the welfare of themselves, their families, their employees and the wider community. As we know we are all in this together. And it’s in uncertain times like these that we need to rely on each other.
We wanted to assure you that we are taking the current circumstances around COVID-19 seriously. During these times we will continue to offer our members the high-level support derived from being part of Coraggio while following advice from health authorities.
Three main things we would like to note:
A) Our absolute number one priority is the safety of our Members and Team. Boards will continue in Dexus Place (unless otherwise advised) and we are taking the following measures to ensure maintenance of high health and safety standards:
1. Catering requirements will be modified to support individual wrapping.
2. Social distancing practices such as larger Boardrooms and welcoming each other with a wave instead of a handshake.
3. Spaces are disinfected with hospital grade surface spray after each meeting.
4. The Dexus Team wear disposable gloves when preparing, handling catering, and clearing all spaces.
5. Hand sanitiser is available throughout the facility common areas as well as antibacterial handwash in the kitchen & bathrooms.
6. You do have the opportunity to join us online. Please liaise with your Chair to let us know if you would like to take up this option and we will let you know the details.
7. Dexus onsite Guest Relations team will ask guests on arrival;
1. If they have travelled overseas the past 14 days
2. If yes, the team member will then ask where to (including transit) and when did they return
● If response includes any of the identified high risk areas, the team will politely inform the visitor that as a precautionary measure we request them to make alternative meeting arrangements via phone or VC as these destinations are identified as highly impacted destinations by the Australian Government.
● The team will also politely inform them that in line with advice from the Australian Department of Health, we are unable to support face-to-face meetings for 14 days after their travel return date.
B) As a business owner, now is the time to plan for employees being away from your workplace, shortages of supply, reduction in sales, and the possibility of your workplace being closed for a short period of time if everyone is forced to self-quarantine. This crisis is unprecedented, however this is why you are a Member of Coraggio. To help you and your business survive and thrive in this time of turbulence. These topics (and much more) will be discussed at your upcoming Board Day.
• Employees working from home, and workplace obligations
• How do pay your bills in the short term if your sales start to dry up
• How to communicate in a reassuring way with your clients and customers
• How to keep things moving with your business
If your business is requiring more urgent or additional support you have the opportunity to reach out to your Chair so we can discuss your business situation and make plans to assist you.
There is support available please do contact your accountant to find out the variations in your state
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