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Michelle Laforest has extensive Board and Executive experience in Publishing, Software, Professional Services, Media and Entertainment, Skin Care and Not for Profits. She has worked extensively throughout the Asia Pacific and is an expert on the region and strategic thinking. Michelle has been a Coraggio Chair for 8 years and shares her opinion on Coraggio’s holistic approach;

Coraggio is certainly an amazing business community but it’s also much more than that. When you become part of an Advisory Board with Coraggio we don’t just talk about business, we also discuss your family life and your health. This aspect is unique and very important.

We find that family and health have a huge impact on business, and vice versa, they are all connected. We work with businesses to address and discuss those key areas.

For example, there might be an issue in your family (health or otherwise) that’s going to impact how much time and effort you can put into your business. In the trusted, collegiate environment that Coraggio offers you can discuss those issues and problem solve ways around it.

In our Advisory Boards, transparency is really important. In fact, it’s at the base of the success of the Board and each individual on that Board.

It’s fantastic because people operate in an environment where they have absolute trust. That means they can totally open up and freely discuss the important matters. As a Chair, this is something we work very hard to facilitate.

Oftentimes, people open up very quickly simply because of the process and the way we go about discussing things at Coraggio.

So, if you’re looking for the opportunity to grow your business and to achieve your business and personal goals, to take a really holistic approach to your life and to get out of your comfort zone Coraggio is a great place to consider.

Take one day a month to work on your business – not just in your business – and escalate those opportunities so that you really achieve that growth and those goals.

Join an Introductory Board Meeting to learn more