How Coraggio gave this agricultural company, strategic business advice to improve their turnover
Paradise Fresh commenced farming in 1999 growing lettuce, herbs, and Asian veggies in a hydroponic system. We now have Fruit & Vegetable stores in Tamworth and wholesale supply to cafes, restaurants, pubs, clubs. nursing homes and schools in North West NSW. In 2019, we moved the retail stores more to a Gourmet Grocer concept with Deli and fresh seafood beginning. We continue to grow produce for our stores. Our turnover in 2019 was $6.5 million.
Reasons for choosing Coraggio
I joined Coraggio in 2012 seeking objective advice from business owners. I received significant knowledge and input from the board consisting of other business owners experiences similar challenges. In addition, the monthly industry keynote speakers along with highly experienced Chair compliments the support network of fellow Coraggio members providing advice as required.
How we use Coraggio
I regularly lean on other members as a sounding board. They don’t hold back on frank advice and often see things from a different perspective or pick up on things I may have missed or under/over estimated. Given the makeup of each board, there is plenty of specialist advisers available from HR, accountants, lawyers, or IT.
The verdict
5 reasons why I love Coraggio:
- Business advice
- Business education
- Support
- The feeling of having The Board onside for advice when pushing my business hard
- Goal setting and accountability
90 seconds interview

Company size
20-50 Employees
North West NSW
Key outcomes
Business growth
Business security
Better Planning
Family financial security
Personal health

Brendon North
CEO and owner of Paradise Fresh/Farmer Bobs