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Strategic Mojo presented by Gary Bertwistle


December 8


09:30 am - 12:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/strategic-mojo-presented-by-gary-bertwistle-tickets-209546468127


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/coraggio-29244076537

Bourke Street

Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Melbourne, VIC, AU, 3000

Strategic Mojo – Inside the mind of a great strategist presented by Gary Bertwistle

There is a difference between having a strategy and being a strategist. Similarly, there is also a difference between a strategist and a great strategist.

We are delighted to extend you a complimentary invitation to join us to hear first hand how Coraggio can expand and future proof your business, followed by an upfront and personal presentation with leading author and keynote speaker, Gary Bertwistle at Coraggio’s next Advisory Board Day in Melbourne on Wednesday, 8 December.

Opened by Coraggio’s CEO, Richard Skarzynski, who will discuss how being part of a Coraggio peer to peer leadership Advisory Board provides a sustainable solution to navigate your business effectively throughout 2021 and beyond.

Followed by Gary Bertwistle, who’s keynote will outline essential business skills, thinking and beliefs that a true strategist requires to not only create however execute an effective strategy to assist a company win in the current challenging market against seen and unseen opponents. This session will highlight characteristics that a great strategist requires to cultivate the DNA of a thoughtful leader, which any team is likely to rally behind and follow into battle.

Key takeaways:

  • The attributes of a great strategist
  • Strategic mindset tools for challenging unpredictable times, now and into the future
  • The often-ignored essentials for your strategy.

About Gary Bertwistle

Author, Who Stole My Mojo

As the author of Who Stole My Mojo, Gary Bertwistle has always had a passion for innovation, creativity and doing things differently. His career has spanned the retail, music, media, corporate, education and radio industry sectors. Gary’s greatest desire is derived from people and organisations thinking differently to identify new ways of doing things – to break up the status quo and redesign the traditional formula.

As an innovative thought leader, Gary has assisted companies of all sizes, teams and individuals throughout all industries and categories, to assess how they currently do things and address what needs to change to enable them to think differently to maximise their potential. Gary is often called upon when companies or individuals lose their mojo.

About Richard Skarzynski

Chief Executive Officer, Coraggio

Richard is a leader committed to delivering significant value, enabling business owners and entrepreneurs to future proof their business. He has been a Chair of Coraggio for more than six years and the CEO since 2017.

What is Coraggio?

Coraggio brings together Australian private business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs in a secure and confidential boardroom environment to challenge assumptions, discuss new ideas, discover next steps and share concerns with neutral parties committed and accountable to one another.

Coraggio Members gather at their monthly Advisory Board and collectively with their fellow group of peer Members from diverse industry sectors, working with their Chair, a lawyer and an accountant to leverage intelligence, knowledge share and tangibly drive business success.

Pre meeting requirements

Seating is limited to this complimentary session, aimed specifically at established business owners and entrepreneurs. Following your registration, you will be contacted by Rebecca Roberts from Coraggio’s Advisory Team.

Who should attend?

  • Businesses turning over a minimum of $500K
  • Established business owners, business leaders and entrepreneurs
  • Businesses seeking to scale or sell.

To find out more about this event and the eligibility criteria please contact Rebecca Roberts on 0437 675 650 or email rebecca@coraggio.com.au


Date: Wednesday 8 December 2021

Venue: Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Arrive: 9:00AM (9:30AM start) to 12:30PM

Morning tea will be served at 11:00AM.

Food and beverages are individually packaged according to the guidelines and physical distancing measures as per Government regulations.