As a business owner you are undoubtedly committed to learning and constantly striving to improve your business.
Imagine your business benefiting and growing from being connected to a community consisting of high performing, driven business owners and entrepreneurs with diverse industry experience!
We are delighted to extend a complimentary invitation to join us to hear first-hand how Coraggio can expand and future-proof your business followed by an upfront and personal keynote speaker session with leading futurist and social commentator, Bernard Salt AM.
Opened by our CEO, Richard Skarzynski, he will discuss how being a part of a Coraggio peer-to-peer Advisory Board provides a sustainable solution to navigate your business effectively throughout 2021 and beyond.
Followed by Bernard Salt AM who will provide insights into:
- the new businesses, work practices, and consumer behaviours created by Coronavirus,
- revitalisation of local manufacturing,
- the new workforce delivering a new productivity, upskilling the workforce in self-sufficiency and innovative business in technology,
- moving seamlessly from a self-focussed towards a more community focussed orientation.
About Bernard Salt AM
Futurist & social commentator
Bernard Salt is one of Australia’s leading social commentators and business analysts. He draws on a range of data sets to interpret social change, both now and into the future. He argues that social and cultural change are powerful forces reshaping the way we live, our working environment and even how we form relationships.
Bernard writes two weekly columns for The Australian newspaper highlighting social, generational and demographic issues.
He is an Adjunct Professor at the Curtin University Business School and holds a Master of Arts degree from Monash University.
About Richard Skarzynski
Chief Executive Officer, Coraggio
Richard is a leader committed to delivering significant value, enabling business owners and entrepreneurs to future proof their business. He has been a Chair of Coraggio for more than five years and the CEO since 2017.
What is Coraggio?
Coraggio brings together Australian private business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs in a secure and confidential boardroom environment (online and face-to-face) to challenge assumptions, discuss new ideas, discover next steps and share concerns with neutral parties committed and accountable to one another.
Coraggio Members gather at their monthly Advisory Board and collectively with their fellow group of peer members from diverse industry sectors work with their Chair, a lawyer, and an accountant to tangibly drive business success.
Date: Friday 15 January 2021
Venue: Dexus Place, 385 Bourke Street | Melbourne VIC 3000
Arrive: 9:00AM (9:30AM start) to 12:30PM
Morning tea will be served at 11:00AM. All food and beverages are individually packaged, and all guidelines and physical distancing measures are followed as per Government regulations.
Pre-meeting requirements
Coraggio facilitates monthly collaborative working environments for more than 400 businesses nationally, attended by some of the best industry leaders and business minds.
Seating is limited to this complimentary session aimed specifically at business owners and entrepreneurs. Following your registration, you will be contacted by Vivian Kooyman from our Coraggio Advisory Team.
To find out more please call Vivian Kooyman on 0402421648 or email
RSVP by Wednesday, 13 January 2020
Wishing you all the very best and good health! We look forward to meeting you there.