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Melbourne information session


April 28


09:30 am - 11:00 am

Event Category:


Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/melbourne-information-session-tickets-147902782203


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/coraggio-29244076537

Bourke Street

Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3004

Melbourne, VIC, AU, 3004

Imagine you had your own Board of Directors that provided you with objective advice and on-going support to help you work more strategically

The landscape is constantly changing, positioning businesses to work rapidly to adapt to the current climate.

How will your business respond to the ongoing challenges?

What is the landscape going to look like over the coming months and years?

No one person has all the answers. Coraggio’s peer-to-peer Advisory Boards is your solution to continued success during these uncertain times.

Coraggio recognises it can be lonely at the top. If you are a business leader searching for support, growth, learning, accountability, and a community, then Coraggio is designed for you.

This one-hour Information Session with our Chair, Campbell MacKintosh, offers insights into joining a Coraggio peer-to-peer Advisory Board to tangibly support your business.

About the Speaker:

Campbell MacKintosh, Chair, Coraggio

Campbell is a business all-rounder but has particular expertise in strategic sales and marketing, financial management and governance, quality systems and doing business in Asia. His wealth of experience comes from working for 30 years in large and medium corporate organisations within Australia and Asia as well as successfully managing, investing in and selling a privately owned SME in 2011.

What is Coraggio?

Coraggio brings together Australian private business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs in a secure and confidential board room environment (online and face-to-face) to challenge new ideas, discover next steps and share concerns with neutral parties who are committed and accountable to one another.

Coraggio Members gather at their monthly Advisory Board and work with their Chair, lawyer, and an accountant along with their fellow group of peer mentors from diverse industry sectors tangibly driving business success.

To find out more please call Vivian Kooyman on 0402 421 648 or email vivian@coraggio.com.au