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Cyber Security – Will YOU be hacked next?


October 26


11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Event Category:

Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/cyber-security-will-you-be-hacked-next-tickets-440659393107


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/coraggio-29244076537
Coraggio Business Insights Webinar – Cyber Security – Will you be hacked next?

Optus was hacked, 30+% of SMBs have been hacked and businesses lose billions of dollars to cyber attackers annually. Is cyber Security a ticking time bomb for your business?

Effective corporate Cyber Security is an issue many businesses face today. There can be a lot of risks involved in not having a comprehensive strategy for protecting customers’ information. Protection has never been more critical.

Hear first hand from Coraggio Member and the CEO of Vertex Cyber Security, Martin Boyd discuss the following and network with Coraggio Members.

  • Is Cyber Security a ticking time bomb?
  • Optus Hack, what it means and what should individuals do that were involved?
  • What are Cyber attackers doing?
  • What steps do businesses need to take?

Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Topic: Cyber Security – Will you be hacked next?

MC: Michelle Lagana, Chair, Coraggio

Time: 10:30 AM (Brisbane & Gold Coast time)

11:30 AM (Sydney & Melbourne time).