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Business Rebound presented by Andrew Biggs


October 14


11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/business-rebound-presented-by-andrew-biggs-tickets-432330972577


Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/coraggio-29244076537

Bourke Street

Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Melbourne, VIC, AU, 3000

Business Rebound story presented by Andrew Biggs

We are pleased to invite you to meet and greet our CEO, Chairpersons and join Members to hear ANDREW BIGGS present his business rebound story.

You will

  • Listen to Andrew Biggs who will share how Hanrob pivoted during the pandemic to overcome challenges in the industry and creatively expand services to continue achieving strong, sustainable growth.
  • Meet Coraggio’s CEO and the Melbourne Chairpersons to achieve a greater understanding of who you could be working with.
  • Enjoy morning tea.

About Andrew Biggs

Founder & CEO, Hanrob

Andrew Biggs was appointed CEO of Hanrob Pet Hotels and Pet Professionals Australia in February 2004 and is the next generation of the family business. He has 30 years’ experience in the Pet Care Industry and has worked in various other industries such as the motor vehicle industry and the charity sector.

Andrew was the founder and CEO of Assistance Dogs Australia, a charity which trains dogs to help people with physical disabilities. He is a key stakeholder in animal welfare policy with state and federal governments as well as industries such as greyhound racing. Andrew is focused on business growth and delivering the highest standard of professional pet services across Australia and the region.

What is Coraggio?

Coraggio brings together Australian private business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs in a secure and confidential boardroom environment to challenge assumptions, discuss new ideas, discover next steps and share concerns with neutral parties committed and accountable to one another.

Coraggio Members gather at their monthly Advisory Board and collectively with their fellow group of peer Members from diverse industry sectors, work with their Chair, a lawyer and an accountant to tangibly drive business success.

Pre meeting requirements

Seating is limited to this complimentary session, aimed specifically at established business owners and entrepreneurs. Following your registration, you will be contacted by Johnee Zahlan.

Who should attend?

• Businesses turning over a minimum of $500K

• Established business owners, industry leaders and entrepreneurs

• Businesses seeking to scale or sell.

To find out more about this event and the eligibility criteria please contact Johnee Zahlan on 0419 119 111 or email johnee@coraggio.com.au


Date: Friday 14 October 2022

Venue: Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Arrive: 11:00AM to 12:30PM

Morning tea will be served at 11:00AM.