Dr. Matthew Peter

Chief Economist, QIC

The economy and COVID: where are we and where are we headed?

Dr Matthew Peter is Chief Economist for QIC, one of Australia’s largest institutional funds managers, where he oversees global economic forecasting and research.

Matthew previously worked with fund manager TGM, where he headed the economic and financial-market forecasting team.

Prior to joining TGM, Matthew was Senior Research Fellow at Monash University. Here, he led the development of a regional model of the Australian economy. This model is widely used by Federal and State Government agencies and by most large consultancy firms.

Now, Matthew and his team are among Australia’s top forecasters as ranked by Bloomberg. He is president of the Queensland Economic and Finance Council and CEDA trustee.
He is a frequent commentator in the press and at industry forums and has 20 years of economic modelling experience in both industry and academia.

Matthew holds a PhD in economics from Monash University.

Key takeaways

  • With the vaccination rolling out, along with fiscal and monetary stimulus pumping up the economies, a buoyant mood is enveloping investors, businesses and households
  • The Australian dollar is at three year highs, interest rates are at all-time lows and the housing market is poised to take off
  • Can we expect a quick return to pre-COVID norms, or are we likely to be disappointed?
  • Outlook on economic recovery and financial markets over this year and next.