How Coraggio gave this childcare organisation strategic support
TheirCare started in 2017 with the intention of improving the quality of outside school hours care services provided for children. Outside School Hours Care operates holiday programs and before and after school care within Primary Schools.
TheirCare won its first School in late 2017 and now boast over 130 locations in three states (Victoria, NSW, and WA).
Reasons for choosing Coraggio
Leading a growing organisation can sometimes be lonely. Having a supportive board creates a peer group where objective and critical reflection transpires externally to your normal business. It can sometimes be difficult to hold yourself accountable when you spend your day ensuring your team remains accountable.
The structured board reviews, industry guest speakers, and input from fellow board members provides support, accountability, and creative input.
How we use Coraggio
I appreciate the calibre of guests and the structure of the meetings. The quarterly breakdown of planning aligns with my planning cycle and provides a valuable resource and reflection point.
By providing strong peer support networks, much of the benefit is the encouragement from fellow board members who build a comprehensive understanding of you and your business.
The verdict
5 reasons why I love Coraggio:
- Calibre of guest speakers
- Broad business support
- Honest feedback and accountability from the board
- Quarterly planning cycle aligns with my business planning
- Accountability from my peer group/board members
Company size
500-1000 Employees
Our head office is in Glen Iris in Victoria and we have support offices in Sydney and Perth. We have over 130 childcare services running in schools in Victoria, New South Wales, and Western Australia.
Key outcomes
- Expansion into NSW and WA
- Year on year revenue growth of 50%+
- Profitability improvement of 100% year on year
- Start up debt eliminated
- Highest quality ratings in the sector

Michael Abela
Managing Director